Hot Tips for Well Chiseled Abs and a Strong Core

         Hot Tips for Well Chiseled Abs and a Strong Core


Most people will honestly say they would love to have a Rock Hard set of Six-Pack abs but to achieve a well developed chiseled midsection, requires a combination of 5 to 6 major components that I will list below. (I also covered this subject in my new book more extensively "28 Days to Extreme Fat Loss") in the section titled the Ab-solute Solution.  Here are some very important things to consider about getting rock hard abs. So in no particular order.  Do please understand the extreme importance of the following.

1. Diet/Eating Plan
2. Cardiovascular Exercise & Physical Activity
3. Sodium Intake
4. Water Intake
5. Abdominal Exercises & Core Work
6. Muscle to Fat Ratio  (Muscle Mass to Body Fat Ratio)

* Remember... it is the synergy of ab exercises that quickly creates abdominal failure or muscle failure in your core abdominals.  It really isn't necessary to train your abs for 20 to 30 minutes.  It shouldn't take that long to work them out to failure. (The definition of failure in this case is when you cannot easily do another repetition of ab exercises and the burning sensation in your tummy from doing several repetitions is so GREAT that you can still feel it several minutes later.  Muscle failure is not just thinking "Oh it hurts and burns a little bit on this set and I'm must be done now."  Muscle failure is so much more than just "Oh it hurts owee!"

Sorry but at this point when it starts to hurt, you are probably just getting started ha ha ha and you need to rest for about 30 to 60 seconds and do another set.  If, you really want washboard abs and a flat tummy then this is what you have to do.  Just realize that you can easily train your abs to failure in about 8 to 15 minutes if you are training them correctly.  (Give or take a couple of minutes)  You will love the benefits and everyone will ooh and ahh at you and admire and idolize you and your hot set of abs.

* CONTRACT and SQUEEZE!!!  Not only should you contract and squeeze your abs on each set but you should begin each set already squeezing them for BEST results.  You will find that this makes it MUCH MORE difficult but  you did say you wanted washboard abs.  Didn't you!?   Make it hurt and burn baby!


Find More Good Health and Eating Tips and many MORE helpful tips  in my new eBook

"28 Days to Extreme Fat Loss"

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