Weight Loss 101

Weight Loss 101

   Welcome to my Weight Loss 101 Series
                         EXtreme Fat Loss

By LeMoyne Kelvin Silas CPT MHT NE

Below you will find all the blog posts that are a part of my 
Weight Loss 101 series.  
Follow these tips along with the many tips in 
my book "28 Days to EXtreme Fat Loss" 
For the BEST success do follow the many tips in my book!
Please contact me as you find yourself having questions.
You can achieve your goals!  Enjoy success and happiness!
God bless you!  Sincerely yours,
Kel  Silas aka KelLove
937-219-4588 or Kel@MyEXtremeTrainer.com

1. Follow my tips on these blog posts above

2. Get my book above "28 Days to EXtreme Fat Loss"

3. Contact me as you find yourself having questions.

4. Become a client on my EXtreme Fat Loss Program.

5. Feel good!  Look great!  Achieve your goals!

 Did You Know?

On the average, personal training clients or people on a 

supervised weight loss program are much more likely to 

achieve their desired fitness and weight loss goals and 

do usually achieve their goals  much more quickly 

and find it a lot easier to lose weight and burn fat.   

The average person will spend a year or two 

working out, exercising, and dieting to "possibly" 

achieve their goals. (They may or may not achieve them.) 

Most people who have personal trainers or are on 

a supervised weight loss program will most likely 

achieve their fitness and weight loss goals 

within 6 to 8 months.  

The average person on their own will not be successful 

achieving their desired weight loss goals. 

Thousands of people start working out, exercising, and 

dieting every day trying to lose weight.  It is estimated that 

90% to 95% of these people will unfortunately not be 

successful because of lack of understanding on what to do,

proper guidance on exactly what they should be doing to

 achieve their goals, and of course motivation.

Won't you feel better to save yourself the headache 

and all the frustrating guess work?

Discover how to be successful today!

Achieve your goals!

Contact me today!

Go EXtreme for LIFE!

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