How much should I be eating?
Basic Introduction and General Understanding
How many calories should a person really truly be eating to have a successful weight loss program? By LeMoyne Kelvin Silas PFT MHP NE
Welcome to my Weight Loss 101 Series
I wrote this post before I started the Weight Loss 101 Series so for many of you this will just be a recap of information you have already heard me discuss. There is also another blog post I wrote titled "How Much Should I be Eating? Solid Gold Information for Weight Loss". So now let's begin to lose weight, burn fat, and achieve our goals.
I discuss this subject much more in depth in my hot new book "28 Days to EXtreme Fat Loss" but let me tell you a few things to consider that very well may help you. 99% of people that I speak with who desire to lose weight are NOT eating enough period. Now when I say that, what I mean is, most people are not consuming enough calories on a daily basis to keep their metabolism running efficiently.
Most people tend to have a very hard time understanding this. (that you need to eat more to lose weight) I blame America for it because most people think they are overweight because they eat too much and people think the less they eat the better. Which is so not true. Please listen because I speak the truth. If you really want the truth, do keep reading.
People tell me all the time "Oh I eat enough!" or they say "Yea I eat A LOT!" But do please understand, that although these statements might be true, they are just your own perceptions. The words a lot and enough have nothing to do with eating/consuming X number of calories daily. You eating a lot or enough have nothing to do with eating a specific amount of calories daily per your body weight, body fat percentage, and exercise level. This naturally makes sense.
So how do you know and how do you figure it out? Well the first thing I will tell you is, we are not kindergarteners or preschoolers anymore so we do have to eat/consume much more in calories than them and a child who only weighs 45 or 50 lbs at most. (Our bodies require it.) You do have to factor in your BMR (basil metabolic rate) which is how many calories your body burns daily. You also have to factor in your exercise level, your weight loss and fitness goals, and your activity level.
Often times, when working with a client, I have to tweek how many calories they are consuming daily (yes as a Weight Loss Coach I do monitor this for my clients.) I force my clients to keep food journals so that I can review it. Oh what fun I have. I know what you may be thinking "Should I be eating more or less or how much exactly" Your current body weight also plays in a big factor in determining how much you should eat and how many calories you need to eat daily. Personally, I am not a dietician but I have proven smarter than dieticians several times when they couldn't figure out why their clients weren't losing weight lol. Many dieticians have sent me their clients because they couldn't figure out why their clients weren't losing weight.
Truthfully, I can make helpful suggestions to my clients and I am usually right about what I say. I hope this helps. For more incite as you are curious now, check out my book "28 Days to EXtreme Fat Loss" at EXtremeforLIFE.com and contact me directly. I go into much more detail on this subject and plenty of other popular weight loss subjects in my book. Do you feel or think you need to start a new Weight Loss Program or Fitness Program? I gladly serve clients world wide! Get started today! Contact me now!
Sincerely, Kel Silas
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Contact me now (937) 219-4588 or Kel@MyEXtremeTrainer.com