You can have
just a ”little bit” 😋
You can only have just a "little bit"
Yes I really did get a big chocolate chip cookie pie from Sammy's Club today and had the words
EXtreme Fat Loss put on it!!!
LOL ROTF LMBO!!! hee hee hee
Yes really lol!!! And on a chewy chocolate chip cookie pie mmmmm yummy!!!
So I'm at the checkout at Sam's Club and the lady cashier tells me that
I can have a name put on it if I want.
And I'm like "Oh really!!! Hmm..."
(just a giggling hee hee hee)
You can only have just a "little bit"
You can have just a little bit (but not any of mine ha ha ha!!!) This chocolate chip cookie pie is going in the freezer where the last one went. My last one lasted me about a year. I cut it up into small pieces and put it in the freezer. I honestly have brownies there too lol! Sometimes I just need that little bit of something sweet truthfully. But usually only about twice a week and I have... just a "little bit" and that's it. Notice how small the square is that I cut. I probably cut the last one into 50 pieces that I put in the freezer about a year ago.
Also do keep in mind that I have A LOT of will power.
Because again as I mentioned, this big cookie pie lasted me about a year.
I just take it out whenever I need it... but just a "little bit".
Then I heat it up for about 20 seconds in the microwave and...
mmmmm yummy!!!
And it melts and explodes in my mouth hee hee hee!
And it tastes sooooooooooo good!!!
Just a little bit of anything is truly alright and acceptable in moderation.
But obviously just small amount is BEST.
Of course how frequently you eat and how much exercise/cardio and weight training you do can determine how high your metabolism is.
I covered the metabolism works more extensively in my book
Just a "little bit" is all you can have.
And you can't have any of mine either!
Nah nah nah nah nah!!!
Just a "little bit" is a GREAT idea!!!
Just a little bit can help you achieve
EXtreme Fat Loss
Not the whole box!
Not the whole
Not the whole cake!
Not the whole thing!
Not every one!
But you can have just a "little bit".
And that's it. You get it!!??
Just a "little bit". That's it. That's it.
Just a "little bit is all you get.
Just a little bit and I do admit.
That just a "little bit" keeps me legit.
Just a "little bit is definite.
Just a little bit. That's it. That's it.
You will achieve your goals so please don't quit.
But just a "little bit" is all you get.
So if you really wanna lose weight and get fit.
Always just remember only have a "little bit".
I'm not the one to be called a hypocrite.
Cause just a "little bit" keeps me legit.
Be strong my friend and only have a "little bit"
Only a little bit. That's it. That's it.
You will achieve your goals so please don't quit.
Just a "little bit" is all you get.
So think smart my friend, and do remember that
it's okay to have just a "little bit" even when on
a fitness or weight loss program.
And that's it.
But you can't have any of mine!!!
Nah nah nah nah nah!!!

Sincerely Yours in Health, May God Bless You!
Kel Silas CFT MHT