Fit Buddies,
It's a lot easier to sit around and be overweight, whining and crying about all the pounds you want to lose than it is to work your butt off to obtain the body you truly want and to achieve your goals. #TaketheHardRoad#Success #Driven #MyPerfectMe
I have some things that are deeply troubling me. People tell me they want to get healthy or they want to lose weight but they have omgosh a friggen MILLION excuses!!! Literally I've heard a million of them on why people haven't got started. I've heard everything from
● I have been sick and have lots of doctor's appointments.
● I've been working too much.
● School and college keeps me busy.
● My kids sports programs keep me too busy.
● I twisted my ankle and can't jog or workout.
● I have been been running everyone else everywhere and have no time to workout.
● I don't have money for a gym membership.
● I don't have the time to workout but I do have time to watch tv.
● I workout at work lifting boxes or heavy equipment.
● My back has been sore but I don't stretch it.
● I don't want people in the gym to see how fat I am.
● I workout at work lifting boxes or heavy equipment.
● My back has been sore but I don't stretch it.
● I don't want people in the gym to see how fat I am.
● I hate to exercise and workout but I still want to lose weight.
● I workout at work lifting boxes or heavy equipment.
● I am too tired to workout because I have____________ condition (you fill in the blank).
● I have no one to workout or exercise with.
● I don't know what to do at the gym.
Hot Mom Facebook - INTERVIEW
● I workout at work lifting boxes or heavy equipment.
● I am too tired to workout because I have____________ condition (you fill in the blank).
● I have no one to workout or exercise with.
● I don't know what to do at the gym.
Lame, lame, and even more lame plus
All of these EXCUSES are so lame!!!
Now don't get me wrong. I know sometimes things in life do happen. But I hear wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too many excuses from people on why they haven't got started or why they can't get started. Some people want the rewards but they aren't willing to put in the TIME and WORK and PAIN and SWEAT.
Hot Mom Defends Herself Against Facebook Haters
'No Excuses' Mom Responds to Critics
If this woman can look this good from having three kids. This link below says
she is 23 years old and she is 5'4" and she weighs 115 lbs.
And true that everyone's body is different. Some women's bodies snap right back after having kids and some women's don't. As a woman, you should always assume that you are going to have to put in the work to get your body to snap back. And as a man you should assume that if your woman doesn't work out now then after she has kids and if she gains 50 lbs then she still might not care to work out after she has your kids. And if you the man don't workout then leave her alone and get off her back if she doesn't want to. You need to be the LEADER and lead by example.
Hot Mom Facebook - INTERVIEW
"What's your excuse?" Maria Kang
You may have some reasons why you are in the situation you are in but quit making excuses and find a way to get it done. There are plenty of people out there in this world who have a more difficult or challenging situation than you and they find a way and make it happen. There is someone out there who works full time, goes to school full time, raises three kids, and still goes to the gym, cooks and prepares all of their meals and loses weight to get into great shape. It's all about
'Rock Hard' Grandfather Loses Weight, Gets Ripped, Becomes Internet Star
How important is it to you to workout, exercise, and lose weight and get in shape? How important is it to you to get healthy? If a 64 year old grandpa can get in shape then anyone can!!! That's what Robert Durbin did. Click on the video above. He's in AWESOME shape!!!
He is 64 years old and ROCK HARD!!!
You have time to watch tv, get on Facebook, go out to eat with your friends, and doing everything for everybody else. You need to take care of yourself because no one else will.
Quit making excuses on why you can't workout or exercise and start making REASONS why you can and should find the time to do it . Start making REASONS why you can have the body and/or health that you really truly want. For example, and compare these reasons to the excuses from above.
● I want to feel better and healthier for myself, my family, and my life.
● I can find 2 to 3 hours a week to workout/exercise despite my work schedule.
● Exercising would help me to mentally concentrate better on school.
● I can go for a walk while I am at my kid's sports programs.
● I can still workout at the gym despite how my ankle feels.
● I need to slow down and take care of me before I have a heart attack or stroke.
● I can get exercise videos FREE at the library.
● I will get my lazy butt up off the couch to workout or exercise.
● Losing weight is important to me because my clothes will fit better.
● Stretching my back will help it to feel better.
● Gyms are full of overweight people getting into great shape!
● I can find different types of exercise I love so it can make me healthy.
● I going to get in some extra exercise after work today.
● I can exercise a little bit at a time to gain energy and endurance.
● I can either find someone to exercise with or I will do it by myself.
● I can find some exercise that I enjoy doing.
Be strong! Be tough! Go out there and succeed! Quit making excuses and start making
REASONS why YOU CAN exercise, get in shape, get healthy and achieve your goals! Talk yourself into it instead of talking yourself out of it.
REASONS why YOU CAN exercise, get in shape, get healthy and achieve your goals! Talk yourself into it instead of talking yourself out of it.
Kel Silas